Broker Assist AI

Fast, Accurate, and Simplified Cyber Risk Assessment with Broker Assist

240K+ scans

Fast Data scans for Instant response

LLMs +

We leverage a unique blend of patent-pending graph models and LLMs to deliver our outcomes.


Keep your customers Engaged

Deliver Real-Time Feedback and Comprehensive Inside-Out and Outside-In Insights to Guide Your Cyber Security Insurance Needs

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Based on Open FAIR Model
Automated analysis

Make more informed decisions as broker. Educate your customers about gaps in value of Cyber Risk and premium.

Don't just rely on answers to the questionnaire. Get an quick outside in scan. Auto analyse security documents with AI.

Broker Assist AI

Key Benefits

Faster -> Smarter -> Better

70% Faster

Cyber Risk Management

82% Better

Risk Quantifiction

90% Coverage

in Risk Automation

95% Better Transparency

of CyberRisk

Simple Pricing

Pay as you use
25% more
Great Offer
Usage based pricing
for all
/125000 Tokens
Pay as you use, No Commitment
Algorithm upgrades on all plans
Experience Broker Assist
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Broker Assist AI


Broker Assist is a specialized software for cyber risk quantification, designed to help brokers make more informed decisions about cyber insurance.

Get Started Broker Assist AI
How much time can we save? How quickly can I receive the initial risk score?

A broker can get the risk score in about 60 seconds. The outside scans are delivered within 24hrs once initiated by the broker.

Can I use the platform on smart phone?

We are mobile friendly by design.

How long does it take to setup your platform?

The SaaS platform is available within 24 hours upon request from 20th July 2024.

What is your model tuning window?

The model tuning window per broker is 2-4 weeks.

Pricing model Broker Assist AI
What is your Pricing model?

We have pay per used pricing model based on number of tokens consumed.

Why do you used token based pricing?

When a broker analyzes customer documents on our platform, the number of tokens used varies depending on the evidence uploaded. Therefore, we charge based on usage.

Can you provide an estimate of the cost for evaluating insurance coverage for USD 1 million compared to USD 10 million?

A typical scan costs between 1 USD to 25 USD per iteration. We typically see 2-3 iterations per client and costs hovering around 7 USD for 10 millon dollar coverage.
The costs decrease as brokers use the platform as they what information to collect. Cost escalation is often due to incorrect evidence uploads.

Data & Security
What data does your AI retain?

We provide you with external information on breaches and claims, which are crucial to us. With your permission, we retain this information. Breach disclosure is mandated by law in many countries. By consenting to disclose breaches to us as your data processor, our models can identify potential third-party risks and losses for you. Often, we have this information before you do, but breach disclosure information sharing is  part of our standard contract.

Can I selectively exclude data sharing on breaches?

Yes, we understand if you are serving govt, defence or healthcare you would wish to exclude due to senstivity. We strongly recommend sharing for ecomm, social and internet companies. Note: This features is available for enterprise plans only.

Can I have separate tenant for data storage?

Yes, absolutely

What models do you use ?

We use our own proprietary models based on a combination MITR, Open FAIR and Graph based machine learning at core. LLMs are used for summarisation and inferencing.

What support is available?

We use freshdesk for ticket management. We have premium support for enterprise customers. We cover training, model tuning and quantification.

What are your top challenges in support?

We have 3 challenges
1. Incorrect or unsupported document formats are the top challenges. We currently support , word, pdfs and single tab excels/csv
2. Tenant enablement: Currently, we take 10 days for tenant enablement this will reduce to 10 mins post approval from 20th June 2024.
3. Training Videos: We plan to rollout self-serve modules for training from 1st of July 2024

How can I effectively manage my internal trainig?

We will have built in training videos to you drive adoption from 1st July 2024.

Get Started with Broker Assist
Who needs Broker Assist AI ?

Broker Assist AI is essential for brokers and intermediaries who need precise cyber risk quantification to make informed decisions about cyber insurance. For insurance companies, we recommend Insure Assist, which is tailored to enhance their services and support to customers.

I am an independent broker, can I use the software ?

Broker Assist is for organisations / agencies not for individuals.

Which regions / currencies do you support?

Our model is based on Cyber Insurance claims, we support US, Canada, Europe, Middle east, South East Asia and Africa. Our quantification models can support USD. EUR, GBP, SGD, AUD, INR and  AED