Empowering Companies to Comply with the SEC's New Cybersecurity Disclosure Rules

Generative AI
August 24, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently introduced new rules that require public companies to disclose material cybersecurity incidents within four business days of determining their significance. These rules also mandate companies to provide annual disclosures about their cybersecurity risk management, strategy, and governance. The primary objective behind these rules is to enhance investor protection by ensuring timely information regarding cybersecurity incidents that could impact investments. Additionally, they aim to promote best practices in cybersecurity by requiring companies to disclose their risk management strategies.

Key Takeaways from the New Rules

The SEC's new cybersecurity disclosure rules bring important changes for public companies

  • Timely Disclosure: Companies must report material cybersecurity incidents within four business days of identifying their significance.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: The disclosure should include detailed information about the incident's nature, scope, timing, and its material impact or reasonably likely material impact on the company.
  • Delayed Disclosure: A provision allows companies to delay disclosure if the U.S. Attorney General deems immediate disclosure a substantial risk to national security or public safety.
  • Annual Cybersecurity Disclosures: Companies are required to provide information on their cybersecurity risk management, strategy, and governance on an annual basis.

Opportunities and Challenges

The SEC's new rules present both opportunities and challenges for public companies


  • Improved Investor Confidence: Timely and transparent disclosures enhance investor confidence and allow them to make informed investment decisions.
  • Proactive Cybersecurity Practices: Companies will be encouraged to implement robust cybersecurity measures to prevent incidents and safeguard their operations.
  • Pre-Quantified Results: Alfahive's cybersecurity risk automation platform provides pre-quantified results for potential cybersecurity incidents, enabling better decision-making.


  • Compliance Costs: Implementing the new processes for identifying, assessing, and reporting cybersecurity incidents may result in increased operational costs for companies.
  • Share Price Impact: Disclosing material cybersecurity incidents may cause a temporary dip in a company's share price, potentially affecting investor sentiment.

How Alfahive Can Help?

Alfahive offers a cybersecurity risk automation platform that empowers companies to effectively manage their cybersecurity risks and comply with the SEC's new rules.

  • Risk Identification and Assessment: Alfahive's platform assists companies in identifying and assessing their cybersecurity risks, facilitating the development of a comprehensive cybersecurity program.
  • Pre-Quantified Results: By using pre-curated scenarios, cost modeling, and patented incident modeling, Alfahive provides pre-quantified results for cybersecurity risks, allowing companies to understand potential impacts before incidents occur.
  • Streamlined Decision-Making: Alfahive's platform helps reduce boardroom discussions about materiality by providing clear and concise insights into the potential impact of a cybersecurity incident. This enables informed decisions on incident disclosure and reporting timing, minimizing the impact on share price movement.


The SEC's new cybersecurity disclosure rules signify a significant step forward for public companies in terms of transparency and investor protection. While these rules may introduce compliance expenses, they are essential for safeguarding investors' interests. By leveraging Alfahive's cybersecurity risk automation platform, companies can efficiently assess the materiality of incidents and make informed reporting decisions. This empowers investors to make well-informed choices and protect their portfolios against cyberattack risks.

If your public company needs assistance in complying with the SEC's new cybersecurity disclosure rules, consider reaching out to Alfahive today for comprehensive and reliable support.